This session:
Freetown-Fall River State Forest Main Parking Lot
The remnants of Hurricane Dorian will have worked its way up the coast and hopefully veered out to see by Sunday. However, trails will more than likely be a bit of a mess, and after a weather event like this, it is always good to check to see how your home made out. Here at OHAC, we consider Freetown-Fall River State Forest our home base. Come join us Sunday, as we take a hike an an assessment of how our literal neck of the woods fared following the storm. If nothing else, perhaps Dorian will have driven the elusive Pukwudgie out of hiding!
Expect about 4-5 miles of hiking on our standard adventure!
**Adventures are held rain or shine.**
Terrain: Some narrow, rocky trails with mild inclines. Footing can be tricky.
You need: Proper footwear. Water and a snack. Signed Release Form.
Your Dog needs: Properly fitting harness, water and snacks. Signed Adventure Contract and EITHER – proof of up-to-date shots or OH Veterinary Release Form.
Parking: Small Lot.
**If this is your FIRST adventure, please be to trail 15 minutes early to fill out paperwork.