Online courses and training library with OutHounds Adventure & Training Academy

engaging and Informative To supplement or jumpstart your learning adventure

OutHounds libraries

Our courses

Course 1

Trail Etiquette and Recall - $35

Informative Powerpoint Presentation

Trail Etiquette and Recall - $35

Video and quizzes - 2 hours
coming soon

Course 2

Dog Park Safety - $30

Powerpoint presentation about how to safely use a dog park.

Dog Park Safety

Video and quizzes - 3 hours
coming soon

Course 3

Teaching Games - $35

Teaching Games - $35

Teach your dog rules of games and impulse control thru tug and a lunge pole.
coming soon

Course 4

Grooming Class - $30

Grooming Class - $30

How to desensitize your dog handling associated with being at the groomer or veterinarian.
coming soon
Dog training, dog walking, pet care, and hiking company logo. Servicing Westport, Dartmouth, New Bedford, Fall River. Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

welcome to the virtual academy

Our online training library and academy offers you many options to continue to learn and grow with your dog. It is our goal to provide you and your dog with the resources that will drive your adventure and growth. A subsription will give you access to a library of self-guided courses and materials that you will be able to reference easily whenever you need to.  A one YEAR membership is included with every training package or buy a subscription and start your own ADVENTURE today! In addition, register and have the ability to purchase both synchronous and asynchronous courses!

Current course calendar

OutHounds Academy Membership

subscription to online Classes and resources
$ 30 YEAR
  • Select Courses and Content
  • Supplemental materials*
  • 10% off ALL Training Classes
Opening Soon

Online courses and training library with OutHounds Adventure & Training Academy