Dog and Kids Safety Workshop

Attention Parents, Scout Leaders, and School Groups!

According to the CDC, nearly HALF of all children under the age of 12 have been bitten by a dog to some degree. Most of these incidents, however, are PREVENTABLE! Our mission at OutHounds Adventure & Training Academy is to promote the physical and mental wellness for dogs AND people. For us, safety around dogs is a cornerstone to that wellness!

OutHounds has developed a two-part program that includes an in-house workshop followed by an optional DOG and KID SAFETY HIKING ADVENTURE in your local community. Times and activities can be adjusted to fit your needs! Your group will learn about dog body language, when it is appropriate to interact with a dog and what to do should you encounter an unknown or loose dog in your environment!

Contact us at to schedule a phone consultation and learn more about our program and package options. Let us help you build a safe community for both our dogs and kids!