This session:
Fighting Rock Corner
When Tinkle first moved to Southcoast Massachusetts, this state forest was an amazing discovery. Boasting miles of trails and fire roads; you could easily spend days exploring all of its nooks and crannies! Being an outsider, Tim was unaware of Freetown Forest’s mystical legends, and even now, Adventure Club has come up short in our endless pursuit of the elusive Pukwudgie!
Fighting Rock Corner has often been one of Tinkle’s primary launching points for his own adventures–and he is excited to share it with OHAC! Let us take you on an exciting Adventure!
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”
Expect about 4-5 miles of hiking on our standard adventure!
**Adventures are held rain or shine.**
Terrain: Begins with long consistent incline. Path can be flooded in parts. A couple of short, but slippery inclines/ declines, Footing can be tricky in parts
You need: Proper footwear. Water and a snack. Signed Release Form.
Your Dog needs: Properly fitting harness, water and snacks. Signed Adventure Contract and EITHER – proof of up-to-date shots or OH Veterinary Release Form.
Parking: Street-side.