This session:
New Boston Road
New Boston Road Trail has been a long time favorite destination for the Adventure Club—especially being our THIRD ever adventure! (Remember the flooded trails with brave adventurers balancing precariously on slippery wooden boards? Yeah, that one!) NBRT is a really great launching point into the network of trails that all include Tripps Mill and The Bogs. Trails are predominantly flat and seasonally can become quite flooded and footing can be tricky. However, the swamp does take care of business pretty quickly, and our friends over at the Buzzards Bay Coalition are working at helping people navigate thru with some boardwalk construction. Although, even if we have to double back or risk the dryness of our socks, we always have a great time out here. (Again, check out our pictures from the Spring 2018!) This a great trail for just getting yourself (and your dog!) OUT and reconnecting with nature. Expect about 4-5 miles of hiking on our standard adventure!
**Adventures are typically held rain or shine. Please check Facebook, Instagram and emails for severe weather cancellations.**
Terrain: Mostly flat, Can become easily flooded. Does allow hunting in season.
You need: Proper footwear. Bright colors recommended. Water and a snack. Signed Release Form.
Your Dog needs: Properly fitting harness, water and snacks.
Parking: Small dirt lot.